KAPILA REPORTS --------------- 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14 Credit List: Data entry 14 (11 is not used) Mkt Invoice ----------- 20242554 g_prfcm.php New Format: g_prfcenterp1.php (pdflib) Current : g_prfcenterp.php oinm.php ------- Option 2 HLCUCM2211116141 truncate table invmast; truncate table bolmast; truncate table bofmast; pdf_new ------- $pdf = pdf_new(); pdf_open_file($pdf,""); --> /* $py=295; // $px=218; // $pdf = new FPDI( "L", "mm",array($px,$py) ); Landscape C:\wamp\www\shasp\doilp_7.php --------- $px = 595; $py = 842; //$pdf = new tFPDF("L", "pt",array($px,$py)); $pdf = new FPDI( "L", "pt",array($px,$py)); if ($ly > $px-50) { p_heading(); } */ ini_set('display_startup_errors',1); ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1); ob_start(); error_reporting (E_ALL); // remove this from Production Environment error_reporting (~E_ALL); // remove this from Production Environment $te_ =$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'tfpdf/fpdf_fpdi/font/'; define('FPDF_FONTPATH',$te_); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'tfpdf/tfpdf.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'tfpdf/fpdf_fpdi/fpdi.php'; $px = 595;// A4 $py = 842; $pdf = new FPDI( "P", "pt",array($px,$py)); $pdf->AddFont('lucida','','lucon.php',true); $pdf->SetFont('lucida','',10); $pages = $pdf->setSourceFile( 'mkt invoice lkr.pdf' ); $pdf->AddPage(); $page = $pdf->ImportPage( 1 ); $pdf->useTemplate( $page, 0, 0 ); // landscape $px = 595; $py = 842; $pdf = new FPDI( "L", "pt",array($px,$py)); p_heading --------- $pdf->AddPage(); $page = $pdf->ImportPage( 1 ); $pdf->useTemplate( $page, 0, 0 ); p_heading1(); $ly= font ---- $font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Courier-Bold", "host", 0); pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 14); --> $pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 10); pdf_show_xy ----------- pdf_show_xy($pdf, --> $pdf->Text($lx,$ly, pdf_show_xy --> $lx=10;$ly=10; $pdf->Text($lx,$ly,$te_pilhcitsnoauto); boxed ----- pdf_show_boxed($pdf,strtoupper($te_totword),$lx,$py-$ly,340,$ch,'left'); ---> $ly=57; $lx=35; $cw=410; $pdf->SetXY($lx,$ly); $lh1=3.8; $pdf->MultiCell($cw,$lh1,$te_pihcntno,0,'L',false); pdf_rect -------- pdf_rect($pdf,$lx,$py-$ly,340,$ch); ---> $pdf->MultiCell($cw,$lh,$te_pihcntno,1,'L',false); pdf_end_page ------------ pdf_end_page($pdf); ---> Nothing pdf_begin_page -------------- pdf_begin_page($pdf,$px,$py); ---> Nothing pdf_close($pdf); ---------------- pdf_close($pdf); ---> $pdf->Output(); ob_end_flush(); $pdf->Output('DELIVERY ORDER ISSUING LIST.pdf','I'); ob_end_flush(); setcolor -------- PDF_setcolor($pdf,"fill","rgb", 0, 0, 0); ---> G:\wamp64\www\shasp_7\icrenter_7.php FORMATTING FONT (underline and color) // formatting font $pdf->SetFont('Courier', 'UB', $te_fontsize+8); // UNDERLINE AND BOLD //$pdf->SetTextColor(194,8,8); //R,G,B //font color $pdf->Text($lx+390,$ly,"DG DECLARATION - $te_mvcdes"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); ////back to normal underline --------- pdf_set_parameter($pdf,"underline","true"); Image crop_7.php ----- $pdf-> Image("$te_usdsigloc",$lx-365,$ly+50,125,45); // Image('hmmlogo.jpg',x,y,width,height); Page Sizes ---------- 595-842 A4-Portrait 842-595 A4-Landscape 612-864 Std Fanfold 612-792 Letter truncate table ibfmast; truncate table invmast; sno:25016 ONE COLUMBA V.013W OF 12/01/2022 ---- 11/1/2022 Many cnts - sagt letter ydn: 20214312 SHHAP Destuffing Letter ----------------- ONE COLUMBA V.013W OF 12/01/2022 HLCUBKK211217017 ibhsno: 236580; SHASP DO ISSUING LIST --------------------- C:\wamp\www\shasp\doilp.php ITAL CONTESSA V.055W sno: 18159 SHASP OUTWARD MANIFEST ---------------------- ONE COMMITMENT V.054E pt -- pdf_show_xy($pdf,-->$pdf->Text($lx,$ly, pdf_show_boxed($pdf,($i+1)." ",$lx,($py-$ly-$ch),$cw,$ch,"$modeR"); pdf_show_boxed($pdf, --> $pdf->MultiCell($cw,$ch, $pdf->SetXY($lx,$ly); $pdf->MultiCell($cw,$ch,$te_ibhblno,0,'L',false); Landscape Examples ------------------ C:\wamp\www\shasp\doildp_7.php with boxes lines multicell C:\wamp\www\shasp\doilp_7.php Many Heights: manifestout_7.php, blncltdlp_7.php boxes multicell Rect full box all column headings --------------------------------- C:\wamp\www\shasp\invlistp_7.php Error: Page Cannot be displayed damaged works on mf pc but not asp cloud Included a die() Not sure why --------------------------------------- $data = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=COLLECTION LIST.pdf"); header("Content-length: " . strlen($data)); echo $data; die(); VESSEL WITH MORE CNTS LOCAL INW: CSL SOFI VOY:906E OUT: ONE COMMITMENT VOY : 053E Corrected: tcdolp_7.php (2022-01-22) Inward TS: tcdip_7.php?mvc=i ONE COMMITMENT V.054E Inward TS Pol Wise: tcdippor_7.php removed clone clone http://localhost/shasp/tcdippor.php?mvc=i&&wise=pol Pod Wise: http://localhost/shasp/tcdippor.php?mvc=i&&wise=pod Fdn Wise: http://localhost/shasp/tcdippor.php?mvc=i&&wise=fdn Reefer Request inward: http://localhost/shasp/refreqp_7.php?mvc=i ONE COMMITMENT V.053E Reefer Request Outward: ONE COMPETENCE V.074E Download -------- //download::dlFile($dnloadfile,$filename,"TEXT", ""); $filename = $dnloadfile; //$filename = substr($dnloadfile,strlen($dnloaddir)); header("Content-disposition: attachment;filename=$filename"); header('Content-type: "text/xml"; charset="utf8"'); flush(); readfile($filename); SLOW ---- iblm.php add email ---- mail_hap.php is working from ccasp machine C:\wamp\www\shasp\bnkgualist.php is a good example, all email commands are together Tested arvnotm_7.php on 2022-01-29 and ok Pdflib $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};\n" . " name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . //"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . //" filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data . "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n"; $ok = @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); --> $pdfdoc = $pdf->Output("", "S"); $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode($pdfdoc)); $body .= $attachment.$eol; $ok=mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); Summary: $data = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); --> $data = $pdf->Output("", "S"); update sysmast set sysdes='' where syssno=713 Pending ------- sagt transfer two programs copy from shasp Option (8) all: icrenter_all.php 2021100 (ok) email G:\wamp64\www\shasp_7\crr_inq01_img.php (ok) email all G:\wamp64\www\shasp_7\crr_inq04_img.php (print is ok, email pending) G:\wamp64\www\shasp_7\crr_inq07.php Ok caninvreq.php (email pending) OK WILL TEST LIVE SHASP_7 deorpep_email.php check email OK cntretletter.php (only pdf) ok svat_inq01.php delord_att_7.php remove re-print comment svatprt1.php (pdf) mtyretpending_email.php check email oinvm.php first 3 options oag: 20181002 shplogin.php -->shpl.php pending no need) shipping instructions dbtprtm.php Option (2)(ok) (6)cdpcp_7.php (ok) Debit Note Inquiry: Consignment : 202110 d/n : 20211277-CL SYNERGY (PRIVATE) LIMITED` Sagt Consignmast: 2022634